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How Could God Exist?
Published on February 23, 2004 By
How could anybody believe that he does exist from a book that has some interesting stories in it? I'd reaaaaaly loooooove to know since its such an important discussion. So, please, post your wonderful opinions and beliefs
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on Feb 25, 2004
"I seriously dont beleive i will be judged by anyone when i die..."
ac 17:31
2 tim 4:1
Unless i die when jumping out of a plane in some form of crazy landing parachute contest and i plummet to my death.
'Even' if there is a God, i am a better person than some of his 'faithful servents' - you know what i am talking about.
Judgement doesn't worry me one iota. Its how i live my live now that worries me.
In the New Testament, maybe. In the Old Testament, he's pretty much an asshole.
yeah, in the old testament, God was an asshole, and his people were whiney bitches. Stay away from people who quote Old Testament like it's the law, because unless they're Jewish, those laws really
on Feb 25, 2004
"I seriously dont beleive i will be judged by anyone when i die..."
ac 17:31
2 tim 4:1
Unless i die when jumping out of a plane in some form of crazy landing parachute contest and i plummet to my death.
'Even' if there is a God, i am a better person than some of his 'faithful servents' - you know what i am talking about.
Judgement doesn't worry me one iota. Its how i live my live now that worries me.
In the New Testament, maybe. In the Old Testament, he's pretty much an asshole.
yeah, in the old testament, God was an asshole, and his people were whiney bitches. Stay away from people who quote Old Testament like it's the law, because unless they're Jewish, those laws really
on Feb 25, 2004
woops, I wasn't done, I don't know how that posted. computer are stupid, sorry for the spamming!!!
"I seriously dont beleive i will be judged by anyone when i die..."
The only one who can ultimately decide is you. It may be easier to decide that you won't be juged, but I can assure you that you will.
"For He has set a day when He will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to all men by raising Him from the dead." Acts 17:31
"...This will take place on the day when God will judge men's secrets through Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares" Romans 2:16
"In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead..." 2 Timothy 4:1
"Now there is in store for me the crown of righteausness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day- and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for His appearing" 2 Timothy 4:8
"There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy..." James 4:12
"Approximately nine months before my birth, my parents had sexual intercourse, at which time the genetic material from one of my father's sperm merged with that from one of my mother's eggs. Having been granted a complete set of chromosomes, I developed into an embryo and eventually into a fetus, and at the biologically appropriate time, I emerged from my mother's vagina."
Thank you for your humour. Where do you believe the human race come from, might I ask?
"'Even' if there is a God, i am a better person than some of his 'faithful servents' - you know what i am talking about."
You're talking about hypocrites, right? You're right and it's so sad and so true that many of God's servants are such hypocrites. I don't want to use that as my excuse, though, because I know that someday I'll have to give an account for me and the things I have done, not anyone else. I want Him to say to me "well done, my good and faithful servant" And you said that you're a better person... are you talking about works? Because in God's sight they really mean nothing. "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-not by works, so that no one can boast..."Ephesians 2:8-9
You're not going to get to heaven on good works, no matter how much you compare yourself to anyone else. Faith in God and His grace is what's going to get you there. In the end only you will answer to God. Hope that helps
"Judgement doesn't worry me one iota. Its how i live my live now that worries me."
Don't they coincide perfectly? We're going to be judged based on how we live now.
"In the New Testament, maybe. In the Old Testament, he's pretty much an asshole."
I would never call God an asshole; that's awful, and whoever said that the people in the OT were bitches is right. God is a God of wrath, that will never change; that's the way it has to be. Read about the people God punished in the OT, it was awful what they did. Look at Sodam and Gommorah. Look at Lot's wife, God turned her into a pilliar of salt because she disobeyed. God never changed, He always remains the same. It's only curcumstances that change. God sent His Son into the world so that He wouldn't have to judge so harshly. Now we have a way, our sins are paid for, in full. All you have to do is accept that gift.
Dan Kaschel
on Feb 25, 2004
Muggaz, was it really necessary to include my name in your quote of disagreement?
And as for the bit about being better than some of his "faithful servants" (I can't remember who said that), you're only proclaiming your follow. First of all, "our righteousness is as filthy rags" to Christ, and besides, there is no way but by faith to please God. So if you believe there's a God and He's the one we're talking about, you way as well admit that you're screwed.
And finally, navigator, thanks for the humor and a lot of good comments. I'll check out your site.
One man
on Feb 25, 2004
So why is the Old Testament still part of the Bible if it's all been superseded and invalidated by the New? When you get the second edition of a book, the errors in the first edition are gone.
yeah, in the old testament, God was an asshole, and his people were whiney bitches. Stay away from people who quote Old Testament like it's the law, because unless they're Jewish, those laws really
Big Dreamer-- I isn't that kinda harsh? God is a jealous God, jealous not in the human sense but meaning, He will not compete for the first place in our hearts and our lives. I don't understand all the books of the law, of the wisdom books or the books of the prophets yet (and never will as much as I'd like to) but I know that if I could see the Old Testament through God's eyes, then I would understand why things were as they were.
As for the people being "whiney bitches" try looking at it as human nature. Why the heck did Israel keep turning to idols and imorality again and again and again? Do you actually think people don't do that today??? I would guess, less than 2% of Christians (at least in first world countries) have truly taken up their cross and are following Christ. And most of the rest would be as you describe to be "whiney bitches."
One man
on Feb 25, 2004
I know God exists just from looking at his creation. I heard some scientists said it would be easier for a tornado to go through a junkyard and make a Boeing 747 than 1 single human cell to evolve. Put that with all the stuff in the Bible talking about things that men had not discovered until a couple hundred years ago, like in the Bible it says that the earth is round and that was thousands of years before Colombus discovered it. I just think there is a lot of evidence for the Bible.
..just had to quote that.
So why is the Old Testament still part of the Bible if it's all been superseded and invalidated by the New? When you get the second edition of a book, the errors in the first edition are gone
BulbousHead-- I meant to say this about your question, cos that's a really good question. If you look all throughout the books of the law there is type in shadow of Jesus and what would happen to Him left and right (type in shadow basically means symbolic.) Also of course you can never stop learning from Proverbs and Solomons wisdom or from David's heart in his Psalms. All of God's Word is good, just need to see it in a different way.
on Feb 25, 2004
I didn't want to have to say it, but with the 'faithful servants' i am not only talking about zealots, but the kiddy fiddlers as well... i am sorry, but i automatically associate the church with peodophiles now.... it will never remove that stigma for me.
And Big dreamer... I guess they are the same if you beleive you are going to be judged... The only difference between me and you then, is the liberties i have, because if you did alot of the stuff i did, you would be paranoid of going to Hell... i am not worried about going to a place that i dont think exists... even if it does exist, 'God' has cleverly allowed me a loop hole for entry into heaven if i repent
Tangled Wishes
on Feb 25, 2004
I don't know any more about God than anyone else. I don't think ANYONE knows more about God. I mean, we get what we do out of the Bible, and none of us really know if that's true or not... I'm not saying it isn't, and I'm not saying it is... I'm just saying we don't know.
The whole point to me is, no one does know.
That's why I don't worry so much about being smited (??) by God for doing wrong. What I do worry about is how the way I treat people will make them feel. I don't want to be cruel and make people feel badly, I don't want to treat others wrongly, and not because of the punishments from God but because of the punishments from myself.
The way I treat others reflects upon myself. And it's the same with everyone. I don't know if God exists, or if Jesus was the savior. I don't know a lot of things, like I said before. But I do know how I feel when someone does something to hurt me.
This isn't making any sense! (Sorry!) But really. It honestly doesn't matter to me who worships who or what. What matters to me is a person's integrity, honesty, kindness, etc. I suppose that was why Jesus hung out with prostitutes, lepers, etc. What matters is not what a person worships, but who a person is. How they treat others, and themselves. That's what's important in life, I think.
One man
on Feb 25, 2004
Muggaz, I wanted to ask you this maybe this is my chance, what was it that shook you from faith or repelled you from God? I guess I might me making assumptions, sorry about that. It just doesn't seem to me that you were always an athiest or agnostic. I don't want to try to convince to believe anything otherwise, I am just honestly curious.
on Feb 25, 2004
I suppose i just got older and wiser, and began asking more questions... for more info... read my blog
The conclusion i derived from these questions were that Chrisianity appears a sham to me, and also, if there is a God, he has a black sense of humor, and he isn't doing a good job - he is supposed to be the shepherd, and all i see are sheep contibuting to a moraly decadent and superficial society.
If there is a God, its time for another flood.
on Feb 25, 2004
Yes Nicole, matter of fact God does know just excatly who will accept Him and who will reject Him. The bible says that the names of the ones who would accept Him were written in the Lamb's book of Life from the foundation of the world. So yeah He knows who the faithful are and what their mothers would name them. He knew it even before they were born.
How could one not believe in God and the bible when everything in the bible that was pridicted, we see coming to pass. Just look at the signs and the times we are living in. Even a blind person can see it.
The bible even tells us that the earth was round before man discovered that it was. Just read for yourself because igornance will be no excuse come judgement day.
Remember, to whom much is given shall much be required. You have the map... read it! GCJ
on Feb 25, 2004
Read about the people God punished in the OT, it was awful what they did.
You're right; the infants and children of the Hittites were terrible, terrible people and had to be destroyed. Deuteronomy 20:16-17.
All of God's Word is good, just need to see it in a different way.
Again I point to my favorite Bible passage, Deuteronomy 20:16-17, and ask what the "good" part of that is.
How could one not believe in God and the bible when everything in the bible that was pridicted, we see coming to pass.
The Bible tells us that the Earth was created in six days and that the value of the mathematical constant pi is 3 (I Kings 7:23). Hopefully, you'll pardon my skepticism.
new-age nomad
on Feb 25, 2004
I guess people like Muggaz are much much easier for me to deal with than the people who claim to be Christians but don't even know what the word means. So Muggaz, thanx for being honest. And we all love still, which is why we leave so many comments trying to persuade! hehe
on Feb 25, 2004
There is no question God exists: in concept - we made Him.
on Feb 25, 2004
I'm going to take this opportunity to plug my blog about "what God has done for me"... Rather than talk (type) until i'm blue in the face (fingers?), trying to convince people that God exists by arguing all these minute details with them, i chose to write a testimony about what God has done in my life. He's out there for all of us if we'll just look for him.
Faith, Hope, and Love will get us further in this world than the things that we tend to put effort into. The greatest is "Love", but my personal favorite is Faith. For those of you that have it, you know how powerful it can be...
for those of you that don't, i sure hate it for ya...
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