Let your mind and body rest. Allow Mortal Refuge open you door to the creativity of everything and nothing
Published on February 22, 2004 By MidOrbit In Blogging
Stop this meaningless effort to figure out why we have been created and live. Its a waste of timeand energyto ponder on the thoughts. We will never find out. Not until life in this universe begins to fade into a nothing live instead. Instead of believing that your thoughts shall change something, as if your petty little mind is going somewhere. As if you should care. You should not. Iys not your place to be doing this. Leave all of that to time. Have a cup of tea and shut the fuck up about all of it. Think of the next person you are going to fuck, or the name of your child you helped give life to because you decided that unprotected sex means absolutley shit. Think of where you are goingto drive your 1995 camry to next. If your going to eat at a nice or pathetic resturaunt. If you look good in those boxers or panties of yours. If your breasts or penis is too big for your ego.If that guy from work is going to finally tick you off enough for you to beat him down until your boss becomes either impressed or scared and gives you a raise just to be on your good side.If your breakfast is going to be good this morning or if you should take yoga if youever find the time. If the old asshole next door is going to approach you about that time you kicked his dog becuse the little fucker was pissing on your porch. If you cancelation of that porn site you joined worked out so you do not get caught. If that cake you ordered says happy b-day nick instead of thanks dick. But no, you instead waste your fucking life with meaningless thinking. Fuck off.
on Feb 22, 2004
I think I'll concentrate on what goofy artical I'll read next. GCJ
on Feb 22, 2004
Good article, shake theology. Situationonally centered thinking is what people used to do, and the reason people stopped was because it administers to the symptoms and not the disease. The primary interpretation of a situation is dictated by your outlook on life; thus, a hormonally imbalanced person taking up your philosophy would find the world a very dark place indeed.
